When planning to launch a new website for your enterprise, what are some of the features that your website shouldn’t lack? There are varying opinions on what features are more important than others. In this article, however, we have focused on the ones that almost everyone agrees can make or break your enterprise site.
Let’s have a look:
1. Responsive design
Note that we used the term “responsive”, not “mobile-responsive”. While it’s true that the majority of the users of an enterprise site will be mobile and desktop users, some users use unconventional devices for browsing (such as Smart TV browsers).
Make sure to cover as many users as possible, so that everyone who visits your site has a lovely experience. Engaging a top enterprise web development provider like Launch means that you won’t miss the benefits of having a responsive website, regardless of the industry you are in.
2. Search feature
Still on user experience – did you know that approximately 30% of the visitors of a website use the search feature? You may think that this is an insignificant number, but trust us that it’s not the case for an enterprise site that may handle hundreds, if not thousands, of users every day.
Putting together a functional enterprise site and ensuring that it has an optimized search feature will offer the following benefits:
- A higher rate of conversion
- Better experience when users need to find products faster
- Easy access to a wider range of services for the users
- An increased incidence of returning visitors who come to buy
- Accurate identification of what users want (thanks to analytics)
3. Speed optimization (fast-loading times)
An enterprise website’s loading time is of great importance to both the search engines and users. The slightest lag can result in loss of visitors and conversions, and a lower ranking due to increasing bounce rates.
An ideal loading time would be one second or less, and you can make that happen by:
- Optimizing images
- Avoiding unnecessary plugins
- Enabling web pages and browser caching
- Leveraging a high-performance hosting service provider
- Optimizing files
- Identifying and sorting out coding issues
4. Easy-to-navigate menus
Your website should be intuitive for the users, lest they lose interest quickly and head to an alternative site. Avoid cluttering and overloading your site with inessential elements and menus, and make sure to use enough white space.
Leaving enough white space means that users can focus more on what you want them to do. Intuitive menus will make it easier to find what they are looking for faster.
5. Call to action
Use attractive calls to action in the most appropriate places on your website so that the users can take the desired action. If you’ve got offers, customize your calls to action to highlight such deals, so interested customers won’t miss out.
6. Interactive features
Your website should be useful to the users even in the absence of the on-site staff. A visitor should have access to the most important information without having to create a ticket every time.
Having interactive features like chatbots, video & image galleries, surveys/polls, forms, and quizzes can ensure that the users enjoy navigating through the website even during out-of-office hours.
You don’t even have to do a lot to ensure that your enterprise site functions properly as a communication, marketing, and outreach tool. Just ensure that your enterprise site has the features that create a great first impression on customers, and you’re good to go.
The ones mentioned in this article should help you do just that!